
Volunteer Tutors Needed!

If you can read this, please help someone who can't ...

40% of people in Alberta communities struggle with basic reading and writing. This is a fact.

We are recruiting tutors year round.

If you think you can help, or want to learn more about becoming a tutor, contact us now at: 1-888-578-3817 or 403-578-3817.

Know that our brave learners are grateful for every hour you give.

What does Paintearth Adult Learning do?

We support our community in its efforts to build literacy and encourage learning through our programs:

  • Family Literacy Programs
  • English Language Learning
  • Adult Basic Skills
  • Digital Literacy
  • Build Community Capacity and Personal Development

How can you help?

Paintearth Adult Learning is seeking volunteers to work one-on-one with those in our community who struggle with reading, writing, numeracy and English as an additional language.

Our Volunteer Tutor Program is currently helping learners from around the county and we are always looking for folks like you with some time to give.

What can you do?

  • Be aware of what we offer
  • Help build awareness
  • Participate in forums and needs assessment
  • Consider our programs when you allocate funding and support
  • Refer clients who can benefit from what we offer
  • Volunteer

What do you need to be a volunteer tutor?

  • You must have a sincere desire to help learners expand their skills.
  • You need to be able to read and write in English or be good with numbers and basic math.
  • You must be able to commit 1 to 2 hours per week with your learner.
  • You must be ready to take part in tutor training.
  • You need to have a heart for the incredible stories about overcoming challenges that these courageous learners bring to the program.
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